Trisha J. Wooldridge (child-friendly T.J. Wooldridge) is an award-winning pan-genre, pan-media chaos word witch. Find her in the Shirley Jackson Award-winning The Twisted Book of Shadows; some HWA Poetry Showcase volumes; all of the New England Horror Writer anthologies (that she didn’t edit); Don’t Turn Out the Lights: A Tribute to Alvin Schwartz’s Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark; Pseudopod podcast; and 34 Orchard literary journal. CKP/New Mythology Press publishes her fantasy series, The 27 Kingdoms, and her first fiction-poetry collection, Where Monsters Pray, will be available from Pink Narcissus Press June 2024.  She lovingly tortures consenting authors with her editing talents, sometimes resulting in wickedly fantastic anthologies. Prior word-loving, fandom-friendly employment has included editing the MMORPG Dungeons & Dragons: Stormreach; interviewing Goth and Metal bands; teaching creepy things to college students and creating study guides for Frankenstein; acquiring middle grade and YA titles for a mid-size press; and coordinating events and PR Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester. Former president of Broad Universe, an organization promoting and supporting women and underrepresented voices in writing, Trisha now serves on the New England Horror Writers board and is an active member of HWA and SFPA. She spends rare moments of mystical “free time” with a very patient Husband-of-Awesome; a tiny witch kitty; a large witcher kitty; a rescued bay gelding; and a matronly calico mare. If you see her at a convention bar, ask if she has her Tarot—and if she’ll give you a reading.