Katherine Crighton is a genre writer with over 25 years of experience in writing and publishing--having, among other things, read slush for Tor Books, written reviews for Publishers Weekly, and worked as a production editor for pop nonfiction and STEM textbooks. They have a spectrum of odd publications under their belt: They are the co-author of Salt and Silver (writing as Anna Katherine, Tor Books, 2009) and have a novel-length text-game, The Tutor (a Regency romance for Heart's Choice, an imprint of Choice of Games), forthcoming. Their short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons ("All Kinds of Reasons", 2007), Flash Fiction Online ("Your Hand in Mine, We'll Be All Right", 2014), Daily Science Fiction ("They're Made Out of Corn", 2020), Lightspeed Magazine ("Sing in Me, Muse", 2020), and Apex Magazine ("DEMON FIGHTER SUCKS", 2021); in 2014, Katherine's stories appeared in both Lightspeed's special edition Women Destroy Science Fiction ("The Lies We Tell Our Children") and Nightmare Magazine's special edition Women Destroy Horror ("The Inside and the Outside"). Beyond fiction, Katherine has begun academic work through Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Interactive Media and Game Design program, recently presenting "Faking and Re-Making: The Use of Emotional Responses and Creative Resonances in Communal Multimedia Storytelling" with co-authors Dr. Naomi Jacobs and Shivhan Szabo (Fan Studies Network North America, October 2023). A related work, "Building the Spear: A Demonstration in Faking and Remaking Real Feelings for an Imaginary Work", came out in "Fandom and Platforms" (special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 42, 2024). Katherine is also one of the sibling presenters on the No Story Is Sacred podcast, taking apart and putting stories back together again--and, if after all that there is still any threat of a regular sleep schedule, they play with experimental archaeology by recreating household recipes from Europe's Scientific Revolution.