Graham Sleight lives in London, UK, and has been writing about sf and fantasy since 2000. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Foundation, Interzone, and SF Studies, and online at Strange Horizons, The Los Angeles Review of Books, SF Weekly, and Infinity Plus. From 2006-12, he wrote a column for Locus on classic sf. He was editor of Foundation from 2007-13. He is now the Chair of Trustees of the Science Fiction Foundation (, the charity that publishes Foundation and maintains the SFF collection at the University of Liverpool. His essays have appeared in Snake's-Hands: the Fiction of John Crowley (Turner and Andre-Driussi, eds.), Supernatural Fiction Writers (Bleiler, ed.), Christopher Priest: the Interaction (Butler, ed.), Parietal Games: Non-Fiction by and about M. John Harrison (Bould and Reid, eds.), Polder: A Festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute and On Joanna Russ (Mendlesohn, ed.), LGBTQ America (Hawley, ed.),The Cambridge Companion to Modern Fantasy Literature (James and Mendlesohn, eds.), and Parabolas of Science Fiction (Attebery and Hollinger, eds.). In the UK, he can also be found writing introductions to books in Gollancz's "SF Masterworks" and "Fantasy Masterworks" series - for books including Douglas Adams's The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, John Crowley's Ægypt, James Tiptree Jr's Her Smoke Rose Up Forever, and H G Wells's The Shape of Things To Come. He has written about Doctor Who in various contexts, including in the book The Doctor's Monsters: Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who (I B Tauris, 2012). He co-edited the BSFA-award nominated The Unsilent Library: Essays on the Russell T. Davies Era of the new Doctor Who (SF Foundation, 2011) with Simon Bradshaw and Antony Keen. The BSFA award winner that year was The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (, for which he is also an editor—though very much a junior partner—along with John Clute, David Langford, and the late Peter Nicholls. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction won a Hugo Award in 2012 as Best Related Work. He was a judge for the Arthur C.Clarke Award in 2006 and 2007 and has been part of the judging panel for the Crawford Award. All being well, a couple more books with his name on should be out in the next few years: a volume of collected reviews and essays (including the talks he's been giving at Readercon since 2009), and a volume of essays on classic sf, expanded from his Locus columns, as well as a couple of not-quite-ready-to-announce ones. He's also working on Wonders and Visions, a visual history of SF for Unbound, written with Adam Roberts. In his day-job, he works at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in London. His web site is